Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Darth Vader versus Abraham Lincolon Pages 1-3

Page 1 of a 3 page short I created. It is a Story board, comic book, graphic novel or however you want to label the format. I wanted to make an iconic battle of these two characters. To fully clarify the political context, this is an epic battle between tyranny vs majority elected rule.

It is kind of fan art/homage and it is inspired by the Arab spring.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Boston Chowder

Here is a snapshot of painting I did of my cat chowder.It is a blurry photo but you can get the idea. The painting lives at my friend Alice's home. I will get a decent digital shot of it soon. Chowder the cat is 17 years old. He does not play as much, but he is loud at 3 am.
The theme of this post is playing with your food.