Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pre-School Presentation/Coloring Book Pages

Today I gave an presentation to my 3 yr old's pre-school class about "professional artists". The theme at pre-school for this month was careers.

Three-year-olds need to touch things, they could not contain themselves from touching brushes and objects in the demo. I was planning on this being the case,obviously.

My own daughter was so excited she kept interrupting the entire talk. I had to keep warning her to stop. She eventually did pretty well.

I did not try to explain animation to them. This led one smart girl to asking me what it was I did for my career. Since I am an animator I told her how animators need to draw to show our ideas. Then we can make the pictures look like they move.

I focused on explaining that by looking at objects you can describe it using pencil/pen.I showed them some simple objects like a box and a ball, and I drew them.
I felt a little like Rene Magritte when I explained that a picture of a ball is not a ball. Of course it made total sense to their uncluttered minds.

I have been working on a Alphabet coloring book with Mayari at home. So I used some of those images as examples of objects drawn from life. We colored some printouts of these images.
We worked with different size brushes to see different size brush strokes. We colored the printouts I made, and drew with pencils.

I had a blast.

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